Friends of Windmills School – FoWS
All parents are automatically members of the School Friends. Representative parents from each year group form a School Friends Committee, which organises fund-raising events, social meetings and gives practical help at school events such as sports Day.
Friends has raised substantial amounts of money to provide the school with a variety of items and equipment essential for a broad and modern curriculum to supplement what can be provided from LEA funding. These include, amongst many others, workshops, televisions, stereo equipment, a new play area, playground equipment, sports equipment, projectors, hall curtains and library books.
Social events play an important role in bringing together the whole school community. Activities are run throughout the school year for both children, parents and the whole family. The main fund raising activity for the friends is The Christmas Fayre.
Charity No. 1003204
c/o The Windmills Junior School
Dale Avenue, Hassocks
West Sussex. BN6 8LS
We would love to hear any ideas you might have on raising money and what you would
like to see the money spent on.
You can email us or like our
Facebook page for all updates.
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