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  1. News
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  3. Key Worker Roles - update from DfE 20.03.20

Key Worker Roles - update from DfE 20.03.20

20 March 2020 (by Gillian Keighley (gkeighley))

Mrs Murray has sent an email to parents and carers this morning: Dear Parents, 

The government have released the full list of 'Key Workers. This is a much longer list than had been predicted. The aim is still to keep all children that can be at home at home. The government is asking all parents who can to keep their children at home:

"That is why the government has asked parents to keep their children at home, wherever possible, and asked schools to remain open only for those children who absolutely need to attend.

Parents whose work is critical to the COVID-19 response include those who work in health and social care and in other key sectors outlined below. Many parents working in these sectors may be able to ensure their child is kept at home. And every child who can be safely cared for at home should be."

Please see the attached letter and link:

When the office opens we will set up another questionnaire to gather this new information. Mrs Murray