The Windmills Junior School

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Please contact Delivery Team on
0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Parent governor vacancy

Our governing board currently has a vacancy for a parent governor. If you are interested in becoming more involved in the school community, we would be keen to hear from you. Please find below:


  • A letter with information regarding the election of parent governors
  • A Nomination form
  • Disqualification declaration form


Please take the time to carefully consider the role and what will be required of you before you make a nomination.


The deadline for nominations is 3pm on Monday 3rd February 2025.

 Disqualification Declaration Form.pdfDownload
 Nomination Form to be a Governor.docxDownload
 Support booklet becoming a school governor.pdfDownload
 Your Personal Development and Involvement in Governance.pdfDownload
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